本册教材根据教育部发布的《中等职业学校英语课程标准》的要求,紧密结合中等职业学校教学实际,围绕学生生活和职场有关话题设计教学活动,共8个单元,分别是:Workplace manners will get you ahead. What makes an excellent employee? What is the importance of following instructions? How safe is your workplace? What does a maintenance technician do? Product quality can never be important enough! Why is craftsmanship important to us? How do I further my career growth? 每个单元由循序渐进(Following Proper Steps)和规范学习(Learning Proper English)两部分组成,依次安排了Getting Ready、Listening、Speaking、Reading、Writing、Taking Action、Understanding Culture和Checking Progress等版块,并穿插了思维差异感知点、文化点、学习策略等小提示。